Who and where was the customer?
Hillfoot Homes - Catagory B Listed Former St Johns School in Alloa.
What were the customers requirements?
To significantly lighten or remove all Atmospheric and Biological staining from Red Sandstone.
What did we do help the customer?
Using a combination of methods including DOFF and swirling abrasives we were successfully able to remove staining from the majority of the buiulding. Upper expsoed areas where full removal was not possible we cleaned as deeply as possible without damaging the delicate finish of the stone.
Were there any problems along the way?
The biggest problem we faced here was ensuring a uniform finsh across varying stone types and types of soiling. Liasing with the client we were able to produce that a finish that hugely enhanced the kerb appeal of the building whilst maintaining the delicate tooling of the stonework.
What was the outcome?
An extremely successful project which at the time was our largest cleaning project to remove heavy carbon build up.